The top of the UN addressed the emergency meeting of Arab countries in Egyptian capital Cairo on Tuesday, where the current situation in the Middle East and the reconstruction scheme in Gaza is being discussed.
General Secretary Guterresh insisted that the rebuilding work in this area, which has been bad due to war, will have to be shown as per the international law and its principles, so that the cycle of violence can be stopped.
“The real foundation of the restaurant in Gaza will increase from concrete and steel.”
“It will be dignity, self-determination and security. Its means to adopt the truth of international law towards the foundation stone. “
“It means to dismiss any type of ethnic white. And it means shaping a political solution.”
General Secretary Guterresh believes that reconstruction efforts cannot be separated from the situation associated with political solution. “It is not enough to end the immediate crisis.”
“We need a clear political framework, which prepares the foundation of re -rebuilding, reconstruction and permanent stability of Gaza.”
The UN chief said that he understands Israel’s safety concerns, but the Israeli army should not have a long -term presence in Gaza.
‘Unprecedented demolition’
The action of Israeli military forces in Gaza has caused havoc at the unprecedented level. According to an estimate, more than five crore tonnes of debris is scattered here.
More than 60 percent houses, ie more than 2.90 lakh houses, 65 percent roads have been demolished.
UN development programs and environmental agencies are discussing the paths of their partnership organizations and Palestinian administration, safely removing debris, so that the affected families can restrain their houses.
Earlier, UN teams have played an important role in the reconstruction and re -process in other cities including Mosul in Iraq, and Aleppo in Syria, where there was a fierce devastation from the war.
According to an estimate, Gaza will require around $ 53 billion for these efforts.
Appeal to maintain ceasefire
The UN chief has issued a warning in Gaza amidst serious human conditions that if the violent confrontation again provokes, millions of people will once again get caught in the trough of pain and instability in the area will prevail.
“We have to stop the conflict on every price from starting again.” In view of this, he has urged all the parties to fulfill the resolutions fixed for the release of ceasefire and the release of the bonds and emphasized the resumption of talks for the next phase of the ceasefire.
He said that all parties have to ensure that human behavior is done with prisoners and bandits.
According to the UN chief, Human assistance is to be provided to the needy Palestinian population in Gaza, and the barriers present in this campaign will have to be removed.
He thanked the humanitarian support workers engaged in providing extreme necessary services to the common citizens in extremely difficult circumstances and the UN Agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) Repeat the appeal for full support for.
West coast
General Secretary Guterresh expressed concern over the growing violence on the west coast, where Israeli security forces have launched a large scale security campaign for the last few weeks. Aerial attacks have been carried out under this and tanks have also been deployed.
He said that more than 40 thousand Palestinians have been forcibly displaced from their homes during the last month, which is the biggest displacement in the west coast in the last several decades.
Meanwhile, the collapse of houses, forcibly evictions and Israeli settlements continue, while cases of committing violence by residents of Israeli settlements are increasing.
The UN chief appealed to reduce tension and tension and said that unilateral action, expansion of settlements and threats to grab land needs to be stopped.
As a possession power, Israel will have to discharge its fixed obligations under the International Humanitarian Law, including the International Humanitarian law.
The UN chief said that the only route leading to peace in the Middle East is two-nation solutions, in which Israel and Palestine live in peace and security with each other, in accordance with international law and relevant UN proposals, which would have Jerusalem, the capital of the two countries.