Afghanistan: Food insecurity at one of every three citizens

The UN office has expressed concern that there is a huge humanitarian crisis before the country, due to which the situation is particularly challenging for women and girls.

UN general secretary While informing journalists in New York on Thursday, Anantonio Guterres spokesman Stephan Dujrik said that more than half of the population in Afghanistan, that is, about 2.3 crore people need humanitarian assistance.

From the point of view of the number of needy in the world -affected countries around the world, Afghanistan is second after Sudan. About three crore people in Sudan need help and protection.

After the establishment of the Taleban in August 2021 on the power of Afghanistan, there is a crisis for human rights in the country and the situation for women is particularly bad. The level of food security and malnutrition is very bad.

According to an analysis, about 1.5 crore people, ie one in every three, is suffering from high levels of food insecurity during the first quarter of this year.

About 35 lakh children under the age of five, more than 10 lakh pregnant and breastfeeding women are at risk of getting a victim of early malnutrition.

Explosive material is spread in many areas of the country, which is a deadly threat to the local population. Every month, due to the grip of these Ordnance residues, more than 50 children are casualties, most of which are children.

In these circumstances, United Nations agencies have maintained their presence in the country and have ensured various types of services and assistance for the needy.

Challenge for support efforts

Due to the cut in human assistance funds, the challenge stems for efforts to help the most needy. During the last one month, more than 200 health centers have been closed, which has deprived of 18 lakh people, essential health services.

Malnutrition treatment services for children have also been affected. According to the UN Humanitarian Office, the reduction in the help of aid will affect the lives and livelihoods and the progress in the development sector will be weak.

The United Nations, with its partner organizations, is giving shape to its new priorities, so that the needy communities and areas can be reached.

Under this, it will also be important to make necessary preparations to increase the number of people returning to Afghanistan from neighboring countries, preparations according to the requirements produced by floods and heavy rains.

Meanwhile, the Central Emergency Response Fund (Cerf) Surrounded by a horrific crisis, but allocated a assistance of $ 11 million for the victims of neglect. There is also Afghanistan in these countries, for which $ 1.9 million has been provided.

Apart from this, an additional amount of $ 300 million will be provided under the Afghanistan Humanist Fund, so that support for life saving priorities in the country can be provided.

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Gaza bandage: Israeli restriction on human aid, risk for needy population

The UN agency on Wednesday pointed out that the Gaza Strip had a large -scale humanitarian aid material to the Gaza Strip on Wednesday 19 January.

Despite this, the situation is very serious due to the war that continued for the last 15 months and the devastation caused by it, and huge requirements are intact. During the violent confrontation, the support supplies of the Israeli military forces were often not allowed to go to Gaza, or there were obstructions in their way.

Giving information from Gaza, Communications Officer Rosalia at UNICEF said that other important medical items and equipment including vaccine, vantilator are not being transported there, which can have horrific results for children and their parents.

He said in a conversation with UN News that if we are unable to deliver these medical goods there, then the regular vaccination campaign will be completely stalled. The care of children born ahead of time will be difficult, whose consequences can be revealed.

Rosalia Balan said that the supply delivered here has been broadly distributed and hence the supply of relief material will have to be started as soon as possible.

“The requirements are so high that we have not been able to store the goods … and so these latest bandis are extremely disturbing.”

According to the UNICEF official, the first phase of the ceasefire was not only a stagnation in violent conflict, but it was a lifeline for local families.

“The atmosphere here is full of depression; The families I talked to, they are very concerned about what is going to happen in the future. ”

Partial improvement in nutrition status

Business on humanitarian aid supply in Gaza is set up at a time when UN Humanitarian Office (OCHAAccording to), it was possible to provide a wide variety of food to the local population.

UN aid workers warned that but on the progress made so far, there is a risk of rebuke from this ban.

Malnutrition cases were almost negligible before the violent conflict in Gaza started, but now more than three thousand children, and more than a thousand pregnant and breastfeeding women are being treated.

The UN office, citing the assessment of its partners, said that about eight percent of the children are consuming four or more food groups. For them, more fruits, vegetables, eggs and dairy products are available for them and they can also be purchased in local markets.

Since the implementation of the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, other aid organizations including UNICEF have sent the necessary medical goods to the children and their parents in a large scale. Also, after the damage to public establishments, efforts are being made to repair them.

Rosalia Balan said that water production is being increased, especially in the northern part. Water wells are being repaired and now focus will be focused on the distribution system, but due to lack of assistance, all these works will come to a standstill.

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HRC: Expectations of better future of Syria people, dependent on justice for missing people

Yasmin Alashan, the founder member of the ‘Caesar Familys Association’, lost five of his six brothers during the early years of the Syrian civil war, between 2012 and 2014.

Today, Yasmin Alashan tries to find out the truth about those missing more than one lakh 30 thousand missing persons in Syria.

He told the Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva on Wednesday that the national transitional justice policy made by the acting officers of Syrians for the country will help a lot in this discovery.

A decade ago, Bashar al -Assad’s government refused to allow the exhibition of Caesar files during the Human Rights Council.

It had heartbreaking pictures of the prisoners sent out after smuggling from Syria. In those pictures, there were clear marks of torturing those prisoners.

Yasmin Alashan has earlier told how his second brother was arrested in March 2012 and then harassed at the custody center.

He was identified in Caesar files – named after Caesar, a former Syrian military photographer.

It was due to the frequent lobbying of this Syrian non-governmental organization, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution 77/301 in June 2023, in which an independent institute for the missing people in Syria was established and the participation of the victims was ensured in the work of this institute.

Focus on previous atrocities

United Nations Human Rights Head Volcar Turk welcomed the efforts to find solutions to previous atrocities, for the sake of benefiting future generations, for the future generations.

In Guatemala, the coalitions run by the victims have convicted 31 military and paramilitary personnel for crimes and genocide against humanity.

The UN Human Rights High Commissioner also emphasized the importance of adopting an inclusive approach to transitional justice, which should be the afflicted, centered, inclusive, gender-elevated and innovative.

The High Commissioner said that in Kenya, the survivors of sexual violence can be advocated for justice through a national network for compensation, while in Chad, last year, the victims received compensation due to the firmness of the civil society groups.

Strengthen the young man

A human rights organization in Serbia - Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) Program Director Sofiza Todorovich, addressed HRC.

Un Human Rights Council/Marie Bambi

Serbian NGO – Sofiza Todorovich, Program Director of ‘Yuvjan for Human Rights’, insisted that the youth should not be excluded from negotiations about creating a more justice for their countries.

He said, “It is our duty to stand behind them. We have to provide them such equipment and opportunities that they can make such future.

Call for prevention of massacre

United Nations Human Rights Deputy Chief Nada Al-Nashif on Wednesday warned the member countries that the principles of international law protecting humanity from atrocities are in danger.

Nada Al-Nashif said, “We are going through a dangerous phase. In many areas of the world, deep partitions and extremist thoughts promote both conflicts and violence.”

He said that before the massacre, there are “clear trends and trends of” breed, ethnicity, religion or other characteristics, boycotting people and promoting hatred against them.

Global norms are under pressure

Nada Al-Nashif said, “The global criteria that protect all of us are under unprecedented pressure in which UN Charter And involves universal declaration of human rights. “

He stressed that the United Nations was established after the massacre, such as Holocast, to avoid the massacre.

“The genocide occurs when the moral standard of humanity fails when disgusting ideologies spread, and when inhuman propaganda about an entire group of people is allowed to root out and spread.”

Nada Al-Nashif said, “Come, together, we move towards a world that does not have genocide and other atrocities-criminal bills …”

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Report of cruel attacks on Muslims and refugees in Car

The United Nations Human Rights High Commissioner Office (Ohchr) And United Nations peace mission in the country Minusca Has conducted an inquiry in which evidence of killing people in a hurry, sexual violence and torture has been found.

Other cases of human rights violations include cruel and derogatory behavior, forced labor and robbery of homes and shops.


Car has been prone to instability and communal violence on religious and ethnic basis for decades.

The United Nations assessment shows that on average, one of every five people, due to the war, has been displaced within or outside the country.

The war has also severely affected the important infrastructure including schools and hospitals.

The crowd of refugees, refugees and those who return to the southern part of the civil war in Sudan and the southern part of the Chad have already increased in the areas of Car.

An atmosphere of terror

The report cited several attacks in many areas in October 2024 and January 2025 in which at least 24 people were killed. They were also the victims who were killed in a hurry.

According to the report, the attackers also committed extensive sexual violence, including at least 24 victims, including 14 women and seven girls who were raped.

Demand for accountability

The United Nations Human Rights High Commissioner Volcker Turk has emphasized the need to bring criminals into the dock of justice.

He said, “These terrible crimes should not be released without punishment. Accountability is very important to ensure that such human rights violations are never again.”

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Brief news: meeting on Cyprus issue, violence continues in southern Lebanon

UN spokesperson Stephan Dujariq told reporters at the New York Headquarters on Wednesday that the UN chief, Turkish Cyprus and Greek Cyprus community leaders will meet at the UN office in Geneva. During this time, representatives of Greece, Turkay and Britain will also be present there.

After the confrontation that continued for many years, the island, located in the Mediterranean region since 1974, is divided into northern and southern parts.

The United Nations has led dialogues with the intention of finding a solution to the issue, and in 1965 the Security Council has a peace -making mission (Unficyp) Approval was given to deployment.

However, in the absence of a permanent agreement, this Shantiraksha Mission is still present there, and its obligation is to inspect the ceasefire, inspection around the Buffar Zone and support humanitarian activities.

The UN chief tried to bring the two sides together in Switzerland in 2017, but the conversation failed. Subsequently, in 2021, an attempt was also made once again.

The talks to be held in March 2025, in line with the resolution taken by General Secretary Guteresh in October last year, in which talks on the Cyprus issue have been said to continue.

The UN spokesperson said that this is an important opportunity to carry forward meaningful conversation on the issue of Cyprus, an informal meeting.

A Qafila of UN peacekeepers near the Blue Line in southern Lebanon.

A Qafila of UN peacekeepers near the Blue Line in southern Lebanon.

Lebanon: Battle continues in the area with peacekeeping campaign

United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UnifilAccording to) On Wednesday, there have been incidents of firing in his activities area. Also, the military activity of Israeli forces is also reported.

UN spokesperson Stephan Dujariq said that in the southern Lebanon, Lebanese military forces are deployed at more than 100 locations with the support of UN peacekeepers.

The boundary line separating Israel and Lebanese, the areas located near the ‘Blue Line’, are largely scattered without torn explosives, which leads to a big risk for ordinary citizens.

The team involved in removing the landmine in the UN mission in Lebanon is supporting the local administration in removing these explosive remains.

During 21 October 2024 to 26 February 2025, more than 44 warfare was demolished after finding the remains of the content.

Meanwhile, the UN Mission is supporting humanitarian aid efforts in its campaign areas. Since the violent conflict between Israeli military forces and Hizbullah, the homecoming of the displaced people is being ensured.

A child who takes refuge in Chad from Darfur in Sudan is undergoing treatment in the local hospital.

A child who takes refuge in Chad from Darfur in Sudan is undergoing treatment in the local hospital.

Sudan: Support for refugees reaching Chad

International Migration Organization (IOM)) Along with its partner organization has expanded the Humanitarian Assistance Center in Chad, where the people who take refuge will be provided help due to violent conflict in Sudan. Under these efforts, there is a plan to provide relief to two lakh 20 thousand people.

Through the expansion of the campaign operational capacity at the center of Chad’s Farchana, the humanitarian aid campaign will be strengthened in border-par Sudan, which is struggling with a huge displacement crisis.

Since the beginning of violent conflicts between conflicting military forces since April 2023, 1.15 crore people have been displaced in Sudan, while 35 million people have crossed the border and took refuge in other countries. The number of people reaching Chad from Sudan is more than 9.30 lakhs.

According to the recently released data, more than 9 million people in Darfur region need immediate assistance.

The expansion of the aid center will increase the place of office and housing system, infrastructure will be improved, so that human assistance can be provided effectively in inaccessible areas in Sudan.

At the same time, coordination between humanitarian aid organizations, development agencies and government is expected to improve, and the level of aid campaign from Chad to Darfur will be increased, where human needs are increasing rapidly.

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The future of humanity is dependent on investment in machinery for peace – UN General Secretary

This International Day, celebrated on 5 March every year, is an opportunity to reduce weapons and promote peace, so that global resolutions can be strengthened to achieve these goals.

In the same year, there is a 55th anniversary of the Treaty (NPT) on the indispension of nuclear weapons, which is a very important agreement focused on promoting the spread of nuclear weapons and promoting peaceful use of nuclear power.

Despite the long -term agreements, nuclear threats have been increasing in the world, spreading small weapons, and the use of technology such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing is also increasing threats.

At the same time, the initiatives for protecting from disarmament and deadly weapons have weakened, due to which the danger has grown for global insecurity.

The UN chief has appealed to the world leaders that existing arrangements and measures will have to be strengthened to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, prevent fatal weapons testing and use and to fulfill disarmament obligations.

Strength on resolutions

The non -proliferation treaty was signed in the year 1968 and has been in force since 1970. This is a foundation stone for nuclear disarmament, in which 191 member countries have resolved to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

However, the challenges are intact, especially in the context of growing bruised stress. At the same time, some countries are still not part of this treaty framework.

Last year, the future consent letter was passed during the future conference held at the UN headquarters, which has been strongly resolved for nuclear disarmament, the rule system is considered necessary for the race to use space as a weapon and for fatal autonomous weapons.

Empowerment of future generations

UN is constantly trying to increase the participation of youth in disarmament efforts. In this connection, two new opportunities have been launched on Wednesday: Youth Leader Fund program and Fellowship for Biological Safety Initiative.

Through these initiatives, the youth are being encouraged to play their role in shaping a more secure future.

General Secretary Guterresh said that this is the time when leaders will have to convert their words into action, invest in disarmament solutions and give everyone a peaceful future, which they are entitled.

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Sudan: The horrific form of sexual violence during war, one year old children also in victims

According to organizations monitoring gender-based violence in Sudan, more than 220 cases of rape of children have been registered since 2024, which reflects the magnitude of the current situation.

UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Rasail said that even young children are making their victims of one year of age, which can shock anyone. To prevent immediate prevention, steps will have to be taken immediately.

But it has also been feared that these statistics are only an estimate, since many victims and their families do not tell about these incidents often happened to them in fear of so -called social stigma, lack of necessary services and to revenge.

Since April 2023, there is a fierce fight between armed forces and paramilitary forces (RSF) and their associate arms groups in Sudan, causing a huge human crisis in the country.

Sexual violence is being used as a weapon in violent confrontation, which has a special risk for children, women and girls. They are being forced to go away from their home and family, but despite this they are facing danger.

Pain of sexual violence

According to UNICEF, girls often have to take shelter in informally displaced refuge, where there are very few resources and the risk of sexual violence is high. It has been reported that about 66 percent of the children who were rape victims are girls.

Boys are also facing difficulties. They often do not share information about sexual attacks due to the possibility of so -called social dislocation. In these circumstances, it is difficult to provide help for them and to reach the necessary services to them.

According to one, 16 victims of rape and sexual violence are less than five years of age, in which four children are about one year old.

UNICEF chief Catherine Rasail said that these incidents are disgusting violations of international law and can be placed in the category of war crime. “It has to be stopped.”

UNICEF is engaged in preparing a safe place with its partner organizations, where necessary services can be provided to the victims of gender-based violence.

Efforts at the ground level

Under this, employees deployed on the advance front are being trained. They are also social workers and psychologists, who are providing community-based services in Sudan and are dealing with harmful social practices and methods.

UNICEF has urged all the warnings that the obligations will have to be discharged under the international law, protecting common citizens including children and ensuring that humanitarian aids can safely help the needy.

The UNICEF chief said that there is fear among people due to large -scale sexual violence, especially in children. These wounds of war cannot be guided and they can be present for a long time.

He has warned that if the steps are not taken soon, sexual violence in Sudan will not only be deeper, but it will also leave a devastating heritage.

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Mahakumbh: The largest spiritual event in the list of UNESCO

In the list of UNESCO, ‘Uncomplicate cultural heritage declared’Informed as the world’s largest spiritual event, Mahakumbh Mela, recently, has been held at Prayagraj (East Allahabad) in Uttar Pradesh, in which crores of devotees from all over the country and abroad took a holy bath. UN agencies – UNICEF and World Health Organization (WHO) also contributed to organizing this Maha Kumbh.

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Related in Gaza, more than steel and concrete construction – UN General Secretary

The top of the UN addressed the emergency meeting of Arab countries in Egyptian capital Cairo on Tuesday, where the current situation in the Middle East and the reconstruction scheme in Gaza is being discussed.

General Secretary Guterresh insisted that the rebuilding work in this area, which has been bad due to war, will have to be shown as per the international law and its principles, so that the cycle of violence can be stopped.

“The real foundation of the restaurant in Gaza will increase from concrete and steel.”

“It will be dignity, self-determination and security. Its means to adopt the truth of international law towards the foundation stone. “

“It means to dismiss any type of ethnic white. And it means shaping a political solution.”

General Secretary Guterresh believes that reconstruction efforts cannot be separated from the situation associated with political solution. “It is not enough to end the immediate crisis.”

“We need a clear political framework, which prepares the foundation of re -rebuilding, reconstruction and permanent stability of Gaza.”

The UN chief said that he understands Israel’s safety concerns, but the Israeli army should not have a long -term presence in Gaza.

‘Unprecedented demolition’

The action of Israeli military forces in Gaza has caused havoc at the unprecedented level. According to an estimate, more than five crore tonnes of debris is scattered here.

More than 60 percent houses, ie more than 2.90 lakh houses, 65 percent roads have been demolished.

UN development programs and environmental agencies are discussing the paths of their partnership organizations and Palestinian administration, safely removing debris, so that the affected families can restrain their houses.

Earlier, UN teams have played an important role in the reconstruction and re -process in other cities including Mosul in Iraq, and Aleppo in Syria, where there was a fierce devastation from the war.

According to an estimate, Gaza will require around $ 53 billion for these efforts.

Appeal to maintain ceasefire

The UN chief has issued a warning in Gaza amidst serious human conditions that if the violent confrontation again provokes, millions of people will once again get caught in the trough of pain and instability in the area will prevail.

“We have to stop the conflict on every price from starting again.” In view of this, he has urged all the parties to fulfill the resolutions fixed for the release of ceasefire and the release of the bonds and emphasized the resumption of talks for the next phase of the ceasefire.

He said that all parties have to ensure that human behavior is done with prisoners and bandits.

According to the UN chief, Human assistance is to be provided to the needy Palestinian population in Gaza, and the barriers present in this campaign will have to be removed.

He thanked the humanitarian support workers engaged in providing extreme necessary services to the common citizens in extremely difficult circumstances and the UN Agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) Repeat the appeal for full support for.

West coast

General Secretary Guterresh expressed concern over the growing violence on the west coast, where Israeli security forces have launched a large scale security campaign for the last few weeks. Aerial attacks have been carried out under this and tanks have also been deployed.

He said that more than 40 thousand Palestinians have been forcibly displaced from their homes during the last month, which is the biggest displacement in the west coast in the last several decades.

Meanwhile, the collapse of houses, forcibly evictions and Israeli settlements continue, while cases of committing violence by residents of Israeli settlements are increasing.

The UN chief appealed to reduce tension and tension and said that unilateral action, expansion of settlements and threats to grab land needs to be stopped.

As a possession power, Israel will have to discharge its fixed obligations under the International Humanitarian Law, including the International Humanitarian law.

The UN chief said that the only route leading to peace in the Middle East is two-nation solutions, in which Israel and Palestine live in peace and security with each other, in accordance with international law and relevant UN proposals, which would have Jerusalem, the capital of the two countries.

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‘Dangerous nuclear rhetoric and threats’ are warning, UN chief

High representative of the United Nations for disarmament cases Isumi fails On behalf of the United Nations Chief, “Important mechanisms of disarmament are weakening.”

Izumi Nakamitsu made this comment, running from 3 to 7 March at United Nations Headquarters in New York Nuclear weapon prohibition treaty Of Third meeting of biased countries During the inaugural session of

Expressing concern, he said that the current unexpected circumstances can strengthen the wrong perception by increasing the fear among the people that it is very important to have nuclear weapons for complete security.

Ray of hope

The United Nations Disarmament Head also said that despite this challenging scenario, there are some reasons for expectation.

One reason is that awareness is increasing globally about the devastating effects of these weapons.

During disarmament week in 2011, the experiences of the survived individuals in the nuclear explosion in Japan were heard. (file)

Un photo/paulo filgueiras

He pointed to the ‘agreement for the future’ and said that the entire focus has been focused on the world -free world from nuclear weapons. Also, in 2024 Japanese non-governmental organizations, Nihon hidankyo Honoring the Nobel Peace Prize is also a good sign, as this institution works for complete elimination of nuclear weapons.

Isumi fails Said that in the nuclear weapon prohibition treaty, the increasing membership of countries, extensive engagement with civil society and newly established scientific networks are also expected. Evidence-based information is provided by experts of this network.

So far, 73 countries have confirmed or approve this treaty and 94 countries have signed it.

Nuclear weapons-moving steps towards the world

This week, governments, international organizations and civil society, nuclear weapons are being gathered for the third meeting of the prohibition countries. The main agenda of this meeting is to prepare the preparation of the review conference before the treaty and the outline of the future stage.

Panel discussions and debates in it will be focused on many important topics, of which The threat to humanity due to nuclear conflict and its disastrous human consequencesSafety concerns, issues such as assistance of victims and efforts to improve environment are included.

What is in the treaty?

Signature ceremony held on 20 September 2017 for a treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Actually, the legal binding treaty on nuclear weapons prohibition is the first multilateral nuclear disarmament treaty in the last two decades. It was adopted on 7 July 2017 and was implemented on 22 January 2021.

That time, UN Secretary -General Describing it as an important step towards the goal of achieving a nuclear weapon-free world, it was said that it shows strong support for the multilateral approach to nuclear disarmament.

Under this treaty, there is a provision of comprehensive restrictions for involvement in any activity related to nuclear weapons.

It has been prohibited from threatening nuclear weapons development, testing, production, acquisition, ownership, storage, use or use.

In this treaty, the deployment of nuclear weapons in any nation is also banned, or any other country is prohibited from assisting in restricted activities.

In addition, there is a provision for helping individuals by the in -partors countries who have been affected by the use or testing of nuclear weapons under their jurisdiction.

Also, provisions have been included to make appropriate environmental improvement efforts for the re -environmental reforms of the regions contaminated due to nuclear weapons testing or use.

Complete information on nuclear weapon prohibition treaty Here Is available

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