In the UN Mahasabha Sadar, strong call for equal rights and strength for women

The top of the UN said this while addressing an event organized at the Mahasabha Hall at New York Headquarters on the occasion of International Women’s Day on 8 March.

This year, the theme of International Day is: For all women and girls: rights. Equality. Empowerment

According to the General Secretary, when the doors of equal opportunities open to women and girls, everyone wins in it. “Equal society is far more prosperous and peaceful, and the foundation of sustainable development.”

The UN chief pointed out that 30 years ago, since the UN conference held in Chinese capital Beijing, a large extent has been recorded to a great extent, which has changed the condition of women’s rights and has been recognized as human rights.

However, it has to be understood that women rights are being hit. Society is still plagued by the horrors of the past, such as violence, discrimination and economic inequality.

Also, new threats, such as algorithm suffering from prejudice, are strengthening inequalities on online platforms and harassment and misconduct are being done in new ways.

According to the General Secretary, instead of inducting equal rights in the mainstream, female-malice is now becoming a part of the mainstream.

Force on equal opportunities

The UN chief stressed on fighting these challenges and said that equal opportunities will have to be ensured for women and girls.

In this sequence, investing in measures focused on equality, the gap in salary will have to be implemented, laws will have to be implemented to end sexual violence, ensure complete participation of women in important decision-making process including peace.

Also, women and girls have to be provided opportunities in subjects like science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

He insisted that when women and girls move forward, we all flourish. “Come, let us stand firmly to convert these rights, equality and empowerment to reality for all women and girls, for everyone, in every place.”

Shared reality

UN institution striving for women empowerment (Un women) Seema Baz, Executive Director of the Executive Director, addressed the participants gathered in the General Assembly Hall.

He said that we will not stop until gender equality, our shared reality, shared award, we will not stop.

The UN agency chief stressed that it is necessary for real solutions that women should be kept in the center of the decision-making process.

Seema Bowus, Executive Director of UN Wiman, addressed the program organized in connection with the International Women's Day.

Seema Bowus, Executive Director of UN Wiman, addressed the program organized in connection with the International Women’s Day.

“From governments to board rooms, from classrooms to family, equality of women is the biggest solution.” He took note that one of the selections will have to be made from taking steps or sitting on hands, and this selection defines us.

Seema Bazi said that these decisions on the pages of history are a permanent symbols inscribed by us and we have to choose the rights, equality, empowerment for all women and girls.

Strike on progress

UN Human Rights High Commissioner Volkar Turk thanked women human rights activists in one of her messages on social media platforms, who are struggling for equality.

He expressed disgusten that progress in the field of women’s rights is being furious, the direction of progress made about their physical autonomy is overturned, and the ban on health care has been imposed.

The misconduct on online mediums suppresses their voice and hurts them, in view of which, they have emphasized standing with women amidst the current challenges.

World health organization Also said that one in every three woman has to face physical or sexual violence. In the violence carried out at the workplaces, about 25 percent of the hospitals and clinics are done, due to which women are most affected.

Human rights issue

Claudia Fuints, Deputy Chief of the Human Rights Council, Geneva, said during a discussion in Geneva that the equality of women is an issue related to human rights.

She mentioned the report of UN Institution for Women Empowerment Affairs, according to which the protest against the progress made in the direction of women’s rights in one of the four countries is increasing.

Deputy chief points expressed anger that the direction of progress for decades is at risk of reversing.

“When women and girls, half humanity, their human rights are denied, the society overall loses its possibilities.”

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Syria: 10 lakh citizens forced to live in frustrated conditions, willing to return home

For refugee cases, the organization said on a survey basis that more than six lakh people can try to return home within the next six months.

UNHCR Spokesperson Cylon Schmid on Friday informing journalists in Geneva said that she met a mother, who is living with her children in the tent. Their old house has now turned into debris, and there is no provision of water, employment in the tent. The school located nearby is also two kilometers away.

This woman wants to return to the old house with her children, where she will stay there by applying her tent near the house, so that she can feel to stay near the house. He has requested assistance to resume his life.

There is a possibility of doubling the population in 23 districts of Syria, which is expected to cause additional pressure on basic services and structure.

According to the survey, 51 percent of the households have a desire to return to their original place, and around 93 % want to return home within the next three to 12 months.

In this survey conducted during February 26 to 23 February, more than 29 thousand persons were discussed in 4,800 households, who are living in 514 displaced centers in northwest Syria.

Till January, more than 34 lakh citizens displaced within the boundaries of the country are still in northwest Syria. People living in Idlib province have a strong desire to return home, where this intention of two out of every three households.

UN agencies support

The United Nations Refugee Agency, along with its partner organizations, is providing transportation, legal aid, other types of help for the needy and other types of help and blankets, gaddes and winter clothes have also been provided.

UNHCR spokesperson Cylon Schmidt said that this crisis started about 14 years ago. Syria is now standing at the crossroads and after years of violent confrontation, there is immediate support for reconstruction.

Due to the war, the country’s economy and infrastructure have been ruined and 90 percent of Syria’s population is dependent on humanitarian aid.

In view of this, the UN agency has urged the international community that Syrian citizens will have to take a pledge to provide support, people returning home will have to provide necessary assistance and soon the investment for re -rebellion is also necessary.

Total 70 lakh displaced

Meanwhile, the International Migration Organization (IOMA new report of) shows that since November 2024, more than seven and a half million displaced have returned to their original places. However, 70 lakh citizens are still displaced.

According to the UN agency’s assessment, one in every five displaced citizens in Syria are forced to live in tents or improvised shelters, where they have to struggle with severe conditions.

Of the people who have started returning to their homes, 28 percent have to live in damaged buildings or such houses where the work is not yet completed. The migration organization has warned that Syria is still a major humanitarian crisis, and the huge level requirements still exist.

In this background, the IOM is engaged in providing help to the Syrian public, and at the same time, the necessary data is being collected to strengthen the information related to the situation and ensure coordination in humanist efforts accordingly.

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What is the Commission (CSW) on the status of women and why is it important?

In the annual meeting of the United Nations Commission (CSW) on the status of women, efforts are considered to deal with the inequalities, violence and discrimination against women around the world.

Here are the five important facts related to the Commission (CSW) on the status of women:

1. 80 years of converters

A few days after the first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in 1946, when Eleinor Roosevelt read an open letter addressed to the women of the world, the commission started since then.

Eleinor Roosevelt urged the governments of the countries to “encourage women to play a more active role in national and international affairs”.

At the same time, “called the conscious women aware of the current opportunities to come forward and contribute exactly the work of peace and reconstruction in the same way as they did during war and protests.”

Immediately after this, the Council of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations (Ecosoc) I established a sub-yoga.

It had six members – China, Denmark, Dominican Republic, France, India, Lebanon and Poland. Member countries were given the responsibility to “assess the problems related to the situation of women” and advise the United Nations Human Rights Commission (which later took the form of the United Nations Human Rights Council).

A member of the United Nations Deputy Commission on the status of women, holding a press conference on 14 May 1946, at Hunter College, New York. On the right side of them, doctor Hansa Mehta is seen.

This was called for action from the beginning, which included priority to political rights, “It was not possible to progress without them.”

In the first report of the sub-yoga, recommendations were also made for improvement in civil, educational, social and economic sectors. Also, to carry forward this program, there was a demand to organize the United Nations Women’s Conference.

As of June 1946, it took the form of the Women’s Status Commission (CSW) of the United Nations as an assistant organization of ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council).

From 1947 to 1962, this Commission focused on setting up a standards for changing discriminatory laws and increasing global awareness towards women’s issues and creating international agreements.

2. Historical International Agreement

From the early days of the establishment of the Commission, its membership began to increase, leading to some of the most widely agreed international agreements in the history of the United Nations. Some of these major agreements are as follows:

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948: On the status of women, the Commission (CSW), while working with the Eleinor Roosevelt, the chairman of the declaration of the declaration, was successfully argued in protest against using the word ‘man’ for the synonym of humanity. As a result, the inclusive language was included in the last edition adopted by the General Assembly. The suggestion of using the word human in place of a male word was by Dr. Hansa Mehta, the Indian Ambassador.
  • Decision for eradication of discrimination against women, 1967: Due to efforts to strengthen the standards on women’s rights, the General Assembly requested the Commission (CSW) to draft this manifesto on the status of women.

    A farmer from the Bireso of Ethiopia.

    © World Bank/Dana Smillie

  • Convention (CEDAW), 1979: The Commission (CSW) on the status of women (CSW) drafted this legal binding agreement on the eradication of all kinds of discrimination against women.
  • Beijing Declaration and Action Forum, 1995: The Commission (CSW) played an important role in adopting this historic announcement on the status of women, which remains a major global policy document on gender equality even today.

More information about CSW sessions Here Is available

3. More countries, more requirements

The Commission (CSW) on the status of women focused on the needs of women and rural development, agriculture, family planning and scientific and technological progress after an increase in membership of the United Nations and it was certified in the 1960s.

Through this, the United Nations System, especially in developing countries, was also encouraged to expand technical assistance to further the progress of women.

The United Nations declared 1975 as an international woman year and held the first World Women’s Conference in Mexico.

A woman from the tribal community selling forest products in the local market.

In 1977, the United Nations formally recognized the International Women’s Day, which is celebrated every year on 8 March.

After years of conversation, in 2010, the General Assembly adopted a resolution, integrating the sections and departments related to the organization, for sexual equality and women’s strength, the United Nations institution (Un women) It was established, which still works in close cooperation with CSW.

4. Solution of new challenges

In addition to the progress and shortcomings in the implementation of the ‘Beijing Action Forum’ in the annual meetings of CSW, new and emerging challenges are also discussed.

After this, members countries agree on future steps to speed up progress.

A gardener refugee, while giving water to the plants in the vegetable garden of Nizer's Oulam and grown by the local people.

The Commission has played an important role in dealing with challenges like climate change, gender-based violence. Also, it has helped to ensure that women get full participation in decision-making processes and sustainable development strategies.

Every year, the Commission on the status of women, the conclusions agreed by the member countries, sends the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations for action.

Along with the approach to reaching all women and leaving no one behind, CSW also contributes to the goal of gender equality and women empowerment and also contributes to monitoring and following the 2030 agenda of sustainable development.

5. show action

The solutions to eliminate poverty prevailing among women are widely identified. In these, investing in policies and programs removing gender inequalities and promoting the leadership capacity of women are prominent to end the sexual intercourse in employment.

Working at a woman, phone and computer repair shop in Yemen.

© Ilo/Ahmad Al-Basha/Gabreez

With these steps, more than 10 crore women and girls can get out of the trough of poverty, 30 crore new employment can be created and per capita GDP (GDP) can increase by 20 percent per person.

The CSW69 session of 2025 will be held from 10 to 21 March at the United Nations Headquarters, which will include 45 member countries and thousands of participants from all over the world.

This time the issues on which the focus will be focused in the session is prominent:

Review and evaluation of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Action Forum, which will include its contribution to the current challenges in achieving gender equality and female strength and its contribution in achieving a full 2030 agenda.

More information about CSW69 Here Is available

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Human Rights: Doctor Hansa Mehta Smriti Lecture 2025

Doctor Hansa Mehta is the same person who played an important role in preparing the universal manifesto (UDHR) of the human rights in the early days of the formation of the United Nations.

Dr. Hansa Mehta was born on 3 July 1897 in the then Baroda princely state of India (currently Gujarat), which later became a vocal advocate of women’s rights.

Doctor Hansa Mehta, in the United Nations Human Rights Commission, was the only other female member besides Ellenor Roosevelt of the US.

In Article – 1 of the Universal Declaration of Honorable Rights, men were named to represent the entire humanity, which wrote – “All men are independent and equal.”

Doctor Hansa Mehta offered this phrase to be written and written – “All humans are born independent and equal.”

This inclusive language proposed by Dr. Hansa Mehta was not only accepted, but this change is considered a milestone in the field of gender equality and women’s rights.

Social reformer Hansa Mehta

Hansa Mehta, in 1946, led the rights of Indian women, at the All India Women’s Conference (AIWC).

In this, with gender equality, there was a demand for the civil rights of women in India and justice for them.

Many provisions of this women’s rights charter, in the Indian Constitution, became the basis of many gender fair provisions.

Dr. Hansa Mehta was a member of the committee that prepared the draft of the Indian Constitution, as well as a member of the Advisory Committee on Fundamental Rights.

Doctor Hansa Mehta Smriti Dialogue has a 2025 theme – “Global South and Women Leadership: Hansa Mehta Framework for inclusive diplomacy”.

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In 2024, one in every four country, protest against women’s rights increased

UN agency just before International Women’s Day, on Thursday, on Thursday Women’s rights in review 30 years after beijing It has published its report called, according to which women’s rights are being rebelled in one-fourth countries.

Despite several decades of advocacy for women’s rights, the situation is deteriorating for gender equality due to economic instability, climate crisis, violent conflict and political opposition.

At some time or the other in history, 87 countries have been led by women, but to realize the real equality, a long way is to be set.

The report expressed concern that a woman or girl is being killed by a family member or intimate partner every 10 minutes.

Sexual disparities have deepened in the digital world, promoting harmful trends on artificial intelligence and social media platforms, while women and girls do not get proper representation in digital and technology sector.

In the last decade, the number of women and girls who has been hit by violent conflict has increased by 50 percent, women rights activists are suffering harassment and cases of personal attacks and killing them have increased.

According to the UN agency, not only the progress is slowing down due to crises like Kovid-19, rising food and fuel prices and democratic institutions, but the direction of progress recorded so far is also reversing.

Beijing +30, progressed so far

From the perspective of women’s rights in the year 2025, there is a 30th anniversary of the important Beijing manifesto, which is a veteran roadmap to carry forward their rights. According to the latest report, it is important to understand the progress made under it.

In 1995, the governments of 189 countries agreed to the ambitious scheme of acquiring equal rights for all women and girls in Chinese capital Beijing.

Since 1995, countries have implemented 1,531 legal reforms to promote gender equality, the maternity mortality has declined by one-third, and the representation of women in Parliament has exceeded double.

Measures for betterment

Despite this, it has been clarified that a long journey will have to be set to realize the objectives of the 2030 agenda. To increase the speed of progress, priorities have been fixed in the Beijing +30 action agenda with this intention.

Under this, increasing the accessibility of technology, equality and safety will have to be ensured. Social safety, universal health care and education will have to be invested, which can strengthen the economic freedom of women.

Apart from this, provision of financial assistance will have to be made for women led by women. His leadership is also important in permanent peace and environmental policies, and his participation among green employment.

According to the report, countries will have to implement laws that end violence against women and girls, and provide support to community organizations focused on response and prevention measures.

There is an opportunity to make 30 anniversary of the Beijing manifesto, upcoming meeting of the UN Commission, national policies, regional strategies and global agreements on the upcoming meeting of the UN Commission, on the status of women,

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Announcement of financial assistance of $ 11 crore to deal with humanitarian crises

This life -saving assistance has been released in Africa, Asia and Latin America, to deal with the world’s 10 lowest funded and neglected crises.

More than 30 million people worldwide need immediate humanitarian aid, but due to decrease in the assistance every year, this amount is expected to reach a record low level.

Tom Flature, the under-general secretary of human affairs and emergency relief coordinator, has said, “For countries struggling with war, climate change and economic upheaval, a huge deduction in money does not mean that human needs will end.”

“This emergency fund allocation, resources will be able to reach the most needy places fast.”

One third of this emergency money allocation will be of Sudan and neighboring Chad.

In Sudan, people are struggling with violence, displacement and hunger, while in Chad people have been forced to leave their fields and flee.

Help in life saving programs

With the help of this amount, Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Honduras, Mauritania, Nizer, Somalia, Venezuela and Zambia will gain fast in human help.

This money will also help in life saving programs for people with weak conditions suffering from climate.

Twice a year, through the United Nations Global Emergency Fund, resources are allocated for low funding emergency conditions as a global warning.

Fund required for financial assistance

At the end of 2024, in Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Heti, Malawi, Mali, Mozambik, Myanmar and Yemen, an amount of $ 110 million was released to help more than 30 million people.

This year, the Humanitarian aid community has appealed to raise a reputation of about 45 billion dollars, to reach the most needy people trapped in crises around the world, which has so far received only 5 percent.

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Sudan: ‘Almost impossible’ to help the needy in the Zamzam displaced camp

Razidant Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator Clementen Nuetta-Salami has expressed deep concern over the news of the destruction of homes and livelihoods in North Darfur.

“Common citizens are paying its price. It is almost impossible to reach the Zamzam camp, at a time when people need the most support. We need a humanitarian path unrelauded to provide life saving help. “

Sudan has a violent conflict between the armed forces and the paramilitary force (RSF) since April 2023, causing a large -scale humanitarian crisis in the country. The Zamzam camp, built for the displaced, is located about 15 km from the city of Al Fashar, the capital of North Darfur province.

Last week, UN Food Program (Wfp) It was said that children are already dying in this camp and thousands of people can be victims of hunger in the coming weeks. Due to heavy bombing, it has been forced to stop humanitarian aid here.

Enemies became a partner

On 15 April 2023, there was a barrier in the process of restoring civil rule in Sudan, and violent conflicts between the armed forces and paramilitary forces (RSF) would begin, while the first two sides had mutual cooperation.

The Sudani Army has control over the northern and eastern regions, while RSF militia and its associate groups have occupied Darfur provinces and parts of the south located in the western region.

The RSF is now almost completely controlled over the Darfur region, and for the last several months it has siege the city of Al Fashar in North Darfoor, which near the Zamzam camp.

RSF militia attacked this camp on 11 February, after which there was news of clashes with the army for several days.

On Tuesday evening, ordinary citizens were once again attacked at the Abu hobby camp of North Darfur, in which there is a possibility of death of Muslims mainly. RSF’s hand has been told behind this attack. Prior to that, at least six people were killed in shelling on the camp on Sunday.

Emergency assistance of $ 2.2 million

At 27 places in Sudan, more than 20 lakh famine -like situations are either facing or are on the verge of it.

UN Emergency Assistance Coordinator Tom Flature has announced a $ 2.2 million assistance on Thursday to help the most needy, through which life -saving human assistance efforts will be carried forward.

Meanwhile, the Security Council has expressed concern over the signing of a charter by the opposing military forces in Sudan, with a plan to establish a parallel administrative machinery.

According to the Security Council, with any such step, the existing violent confrontation in Sudan will be more sharp, partitions in the country will increase and can already take serious conditions.

Rape of children

This week, United Nations Children’s Fund ,Unicef)) He had expressed anger that amid violent conflicts in Sudan, armed fighters are carrying out sexual violence including rape of children. Some of the victims also have one year old children.

According to organizations monitoring gender-based violence in Sudan, more than 220 cases of rape of children have been registered since 2024, which reflects the magnitude of the current situation.

UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Rasail said that even young children are making their victims of one year of age, which can shock anyone. To prevent immediate prevention, steps will have to be taken immediately.

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Yemen: Fear of violent conflict again can be felt – UN messenger

He told the representatives that the current developments are the cause of deep concern. The Houthi fighters (Ansar Allah faction) in Yemen have conflicted with government security forces for the past several years, which have supported the alliance under the leadership of Saudi Arabia.

Special envoy informed the Security Council along with UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Tom Flature on the difficulties facing human assistance in Yemen. He said that the situation is getting worse for women in the country.

The fight was stopped after the UN’s mediation efforts in April 2022, after which large -scale ground campaign has not started. However, military activities continue and violent conflicts are at risk of reappearing.

Hans Gundberg said that the war could not be allowed to erupt again. “The words matters. The intention matters. Indications matters. Mixing messages and inflammatory conversations can have real effects. “

Has Grundberg (on screen), a special messenger to the UN General Secretary for Yemen, addressed the meeting in the Security Council.

Has Grundberg (on screen), a special messenger to the UN General Secretary for Yemen, addressed the meeting in the Security Council.

Obstruction of support efforts

In recent times, special messengers mentioned bombing, drone attacks, infiltration attempts in other areas including Marib, Shabwa, Taiz. At the same time, the Houthi fighters, while condemning the employees of UN and other organizations, were condemned to be detained and appealed to release them unconditionally.

UN Under General Secretary Tom Flature for emergency cases told the member countries that in the last few weeks, UN agencies have been facing financial assistance cuts, which has become a major challenge for life -saving humanitarian aid efforts.

He expressed concern that due to this, huge difficulties would arise for humanitarian support workers, where they may be forced to take the decision to help to save lives.

Strike on gender equality

Under General Secretary Tom Flature alerted before International Day on 8 March that sexual equality efforts in Yemen are deliberately furious.

The current crisis is affecting women and girls in an inequality. In 2021, Yemen was one step above the last rung in a gender trench index of the World Economic Forum, and since then there is no sign of progress in the situation.

Maternity mortality in Yemen is the highest in the Middle East region, which is more than 10 times compared to Saudi Arabia or Yemen. 1.5 million girls are out of schools and are being denied the right to get education, and they are trapped in the cycle of discrimination and violence.

Tom Flatcher has expressed apprehension that as the availability of assistance funds will decrease, the situation may worsen, but efforts will be continued to support them with available resources.

UN Emergency Assistance Coordinator Tom Flature apprised the representatives of member countries in the Security Council about the situation in Yemen.

UN Emergency Assistance Coordinator Tom Flature apprised the representatives of member countries in the Security Council about the situation in Yemen.

The only way to move forward

The United States has identified Houthi fighters as a foreign terrorist organization, which is proving to be complicated international cooperation in peace efforts.

Special messenger Hans Grundberg said that the priests will have to keep a place safe with the intention of arbitration efforts for citizens, a fair and inclusive peace is important under the UN.

Hans Gundberg reiterated that he is ready to bring all the parties together to end this violent conflict that has been going on for more than a decade. He stressed that in any political process, Yemeni citizens of diverse background have to be included.

According to the special messenger, it is possible to achieve this, but it will need a favorable environment. It is important that we should not be weak in our resolve in realizing it for millions of Yemeni citizens.

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Finance cut, global fight against TB in danger – WHO

The UN Health Agency said on Wednesday that necessary prevention, investigation and treatment services are collapsing, causing millions of people to risk.

The most affected areas include Africa, South-East Asia and Western Pacific, as in these countries, the national TB programs, most depend on international aid.

Who “Any obstacles related to financial, political or operational in TB services can lead to disastrous and often fatal consequences for millions of people around the world,” said Tareza Kasaiwa, director of global TB and lung health programs, said, “Tareza Kasaiwa said.

United Nations Secretary -General Antonio Guteresh Last week, expressing concern over the assistance cuts in health programs, it was feared to have a direct impact on diseases like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and cholera.

Serious blow

In the last two decades, more than 7.9 crore people have been saved through global programs to deal with TB. Only last year, about 36.5 lakh people have left death from death.

Financial assistance given by the US government has played an important role in this success. About 20 to 25 million dollars of financial assistance has been provided by the US every year, which is about one-fourth of the total international finance assistance.

The United States has been the largest bilateral donor so far in the fight against TB.

However, under the new executive orders issued by the new government of America, the new finance deductions declared for 2025, at least 18 high-loving countries are likely to have a devastating effect on TB Karvai.

89 percent of American aid was allocated to take care of patients in these countries.

This will have the most impact on Africa, where treatment of treatment and removal of employees, can lead to a huge increase in TB infection rate.

Heavy burden

The initial news received from TB affected countries shows that already lack of financial resources, the necessary health services are weakening.

The most serious concerns include the removal of health workers from work and employment, lack of drugs and obstacles in supply beams, collapse of data and monitoring systems, and obstacles in TB research and funding.

Doctor Tareza Kasayeva warned, “If action is not taken immediately, the progress obtained against TB will be in danger.”

“Our collective response should be fast, strategic and fully resourceful so that the weakest people can be protected and the pace towards ending TB.”

Appeal for immediate action

WHO reiterated its commitment to support governments and global partners in the fight against TB.

The agency said, “In these challenging circumstances, the national governments, civil society and global partners are fully committed to cooperate in ensuring sustainable financing and integrated solutions to protect the health and welfare of the most sensitive people towards TB.”

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Afghanistan: Food insecurity at one of every three citizens

The UN office has expressed concern that there is a huge humanitarian crisis before the country, due to which the situation is particularly challenging for women and girls.

UN general secretary While informing journalists in New York on Thursday, Anantonio Guterres spokesman Stephan Dujrik said that more than half of the population in Afghanistan, that is, about 2.3 crore people need humanitarian assistance.

From the point of view of the number of needy in the world -affected countries around the world, Afghanistan is second after Sudan. About three crore people in Sudan need help and protection.

After the establishment of the Taleban in August 2021 on the power of Afghanistan, there is a crisis for human rights in the country and the situation for women is particularly bad. The level of food security and malnutrition is very bad.

According to an analysis, about 1.5 crore people, ie one in every three, is suffering from high levels of food insecurity during the first quarter of this year.

About 35 lakh children under the age of five, more than 10 lakh pregnant and breastfeeding women are at risk of getting a victim of early malnutrition.

Explosive material is spread in many areas of the country, which is a deadly threat to the local population. Every month, due to the grip of these Ordnance residues, more than 50 children are casualties, most of which are children.

In these circumstances, United Nations agencies have maintained their presence in the country and have ensured various types of services and assistance for the needy.

Challenge for support efforts

Due to the cut in human assistance funds, the challenge stems for efforts to help the most needy. During the last one month, more than 200 health centers have been closed, which has deprived of 18 lakh people, essential health services.

Malnutrition treatment services for children have also been affected. According to the UN Humanitarian Office, the reduction in the help of aid will affect the lives and livelihoods and the progress in the development sector will be weak.

The United Nations, with its partner organizations, is giving shape to its new priorities, so that the needy communities and areas can be reached.

Under this, it will also be important to make necessary preparations to increase the number of people returning to Afghanistan from neighboring countries, preparations according to the requirements produced by floods and heavy rains.

Meanwhile, the Central Emergency Response Fund (Cerf) Surrounded by a horrific crisis, but allocated a assistance of $ 11 million for the victims of neglect. There is also Afghanistan in these countries, for which $ 1.9 million has been provided.

Apart from this, an additional amount of $ 300 million will be provided under the Afghanistan Humanist Fund, so that support for life saving priorities in the country can be provided.

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