India: Water test recognized Ramkumari

Under this campaign, every house was trained to deliver clean and safe water and to protect against waterborne diseases, five women of the village were trained to check water. Ramkumari was also a part of this team.

However, it was not easy to fulfill this responsibility. Initially people used to laugh and taunt – “What will this do?”

But Ramkumari started doing his work with full hard work. After water testing, she updates her investigation report on the government portal, joining the panchayat meetings and keeps her suggestions on the quality of water. The special thing is that now not only the panchayat listens to their suggestions, but also implements them.

They get an amount of 20 rupees for every testing of water, due to which their income has also increased. But they have the real pride that due to their hard work, the diseases caused by water in the village are now ending. Now pure water is reaching every house.

Ramkumari says, “I got a new encouragement with UNOPS. Now people look at me with respect, call me by name. First where it was difficult to dream, now the same dreams are coming true.

The skill of water testing has now become the identity of Ramkumari.

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