CSW69: Amid ‘increasing sexual opposition’, equality of equality in important women’s conference

The 69th session of the UN Commission on the status of women is being held in New York till 10-21 March, which focuses on promoting women’s rights, examining the reality of their current life around the world and shaping global standards on gender equality and empowerment.

Last year, 4,800 participants of civil society including 100 world leaders attended the 68th session of the UN Commission.

Along with reviewing the results of the 23rd special session of the General Assembly in this year’s session, the Beijing manifesto and action platform will be discussed, which was passed in 1995.

Click here for more information on the 69th session of CSW and its importance

A better future for the universal

Laureta Jeff Comomb, who reached New York from Canada, gave an important stop in the history of ‘Beijing Manifesto’, which paved the way for recognizing the rights of tribal women and girls.

He told the representatives in the Mahasabha Sadar that “often, tribal women are left out of the decision -making process, affecting our future.”

“We need tribal women at all levels … We need to show our youth that our voice matters. When we pick up tribal women, we can shape a better future for all. ”

‘We are not afraid of opposition’

UN institution for women empowerment (Un women) Seema Bowus, Executive Director of the Executive Director, cautioned that women were bounced in matters inspired by malice, at a time when women are suffering the brunt of many crises and violent conflicts.

He said that progress has been recorded in furthering the rights of women, but its speed is slow and it needs to be taken further.

The UN agency chief called for action for major changes. He said that digital cracks will have to be filled, investing at the end of poverty and the laws will have to be strengthened to break the cycle of violence against women and girls.

He called upon the women to take women in the process of making important decisions and in peaceful roles. “We [अधिकारों] But they are not afraid of increasing opposition. We will not back down. “

‘Poison of patriarchy’

United Nations top officer Anantonio Guterresh expressed anger that the poison of patriarchy is seen while the rights of women are being siege.

He said that the strength of the people responsible for women’s malice is increasing and women are said to be unrestrained on online mediums.

According to the UN chief, its drug is, strong action, for which investment in education, facing violence against women and girls, support for women’s organizations and human rights activists, encouragement for women leadership in technology sector and guarantee of their full participation is important.

General Secretary Guterresh alerted that it is a risky time for women rights, and therefore will have to be lambasi around the Beijing manifesto and to stand firmly to realize the rights, equality and empowerment promises for every girl and woman.

UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres is addressing the 69th session of CSW.

UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres is addressing the 69th session of CSW.

Very important stop

During the 69th session of the Commission on the status of women, women and leaders from all over the world are engaged in New York. After the inauguration meeting, many programs and discussions will be organized on the UN campus, online mediums for the next several days.

The President of the UN Mahasabha, Philmon Yang, mentioned the progress made so far in the direction of women’s rights, but warned towards future challenges.

He said that 30 years have passed since the Beijing manifesto passed and now a large number of women have been elected, but there are still arrangements in the way of gender equality.

According to the Mahasabha chief, the kind of political steps and resources needed to deal with the existing challenges is not enough.

It will take 137 years to get all women out of poverty at the current speed and it may take 68 years to end child marriage.

Philmon Yang urged the international community that three decades ago, the promises made in Beijing would have to be realized and shaped a world in which shared targets and equality should be achieved for all women and girls.

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