The UN office has expressed concern that there is a huge humanitarian crisis before the country, due to which the situation is particularly challenging for women and girls.
UN general secretary While informing journalists in New York on Thursday, Anantonio Guterres spokesman Stephan Dujrik said that more than half of the population in Afghanistan, that is, about 2.3 crore people need humanitarian assistance.
From the point of view of the number of needy in the world -affected countries around the world, Afghanistan is second after Sudan. About three crore people in Sudan need help and protection.
After the establishment of the Taleban in August 2021 on the power of Afghanistan, there is a crisis for human rights in the country and the situation for women is particularly bad. The level of food security and malnutrition is very bad.
According to an analysis, about 1.5 crore people, ie one in every three, is suffering from high levels of food insecurity during the first quarter of this year.
About 35 lakh children under the age of five, more than 10 lakh pregnant and breastfeeding women are at risk of getting a victim of early malnutrition.
Explosive material is spread in many areas of the country, which is a deadly threat to the local population. Every month, due to the grip of these Ordnance residues, more than 50 children are casualties, most of which are children.
In these circumstances, United Nations agencies have maintained their presence in the country and have ensured various types of services and assistance for the needy.
Challenge for support efforts
Due to the cut in human assistance funds, the challenge stems for efforts to help the most needy. During the last one month, more than 200 health centers have been closed, which has deprived of 18 lakh people, essential health services.
Malnutrition treatment services for children have also been affected. According to the UN Humanitarian Office, the reduction in the help of aid will affect the lives and livelihoods and the progress in the development sector will be weak.
The United Nations, with its partner organizations, is giving shape to its new priorities, so that the needy communities and areas can be reached.
Under this, it will also be important to make necessary preparations to increase the number of people returning to Afghanistan from neighboring countries, preparations according to the requirements produced by floods and heavy rains.
Meanwhile, the Central Emergency Response Fund (Cerf) Surrounded by a horrific crisis, but allocated a assistance of $ 11 million for the victims of neglect. There is also Afghanistan in these countries, for which $ 1.9 million has been provided.
Apart from this, an additional amount of $ 300 million will be provided under the Afghanistan Humanist Fund, so that support for life saving priorities in the country can be provided.